Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ministry of Economy: my Constitutional Law class from the State University Tetovo meets with the Minister of Economy Driton Kuci

After our fantastic visit at the Constitutional Court, we visited the Ministry of Economy. The Minister of Economy -- Driton Kuci -- is a faculty member at the State University of Tetovo and is also working on his PhD under the direction of Professor Gordana Siljanovska Davkova of UKIM (see blog post about visit with Prof. Gordana at UKIM)

We had the opportunity to sit down in his office and to learn more about the work of the Ministry. And then we had a tour, including visits to the HR Department and the Tourism Department. (My daughter and I are doing our best to support tourism in Macedonia!)

As it turns out, the Ministry is located very near the Red Hot Red salon (see blog post about Red Hot Red) meaning, I must have passed the arrow/street sign pointing towards the Ministry of Economy countless times without ever noticing it (!)  We would have also passed the sign any time we were walking to the "Vero 2" or events at TCC Grand Plaza Hotel, such as the Macedonian Welcome Center Wine Tasting event (Vranec) (see blog post about DMWC wine tasting event)
or the event with the Serbian Ambassador (blog post about DMWC event with the Serbian Ambassador)  Who knew the Ministry of Economy was in our neck of the woods?!

We appreciated the Minister taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with us and to tell us about the work of the Ministry.

Here is the Ministry of Economy website:
outside the Ministry of Economy

with Minister Kuci and the Vice Dean of the Law Faculty Jusuf Zejneli

in Minister Kuci's office

visiting the tourism office

a delicious dinner at Miracoli restaurant

a sweet ending to a wonderful day! at the Miracoli Italian restaurant in Skopje

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